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Feeds![]() hermeticlibrary: @MLux65 You may be interested in some of the other works by Bennett in the collection @MLux65 You may be interested in some of the other works by Bennett in the collection
hermeticlibrary: RT @MLux65: #CosmicConsciousness TRAINING OF THE MIND by ANANDA METTEYA #Meditation RT @MLux65: #CosmicConsciousness TRAINING OF THE MIND by ANANDA METTEYA #Meditation
hermeticlibrary: Hermetic Distraction Hermetic Distraction
hermeticlibrary: Sleep Sleep
hermeticlibrary: Non-Consensual Sexual Conduct Non-Consensual Sexual Conduct
hermeticlibrary: RT @AbraxasJournal: New adventure: Abraxas on Pinterest, a very good looking social network... follow us! RT @AbraxasJournal: New adventure: Abraxas on Pinterest, a very good looking social network... follow us!
hermeticlibrary: RT @stevebwriter: @hrmtc British Museum used to have a Hermes/Mercury figure with a large erection. Saw it at about age 8; powerful impa ...hermeticlibrary: RT @stevebwriter: @hrmtc British Museum used to have a Hermes/Mercury figure with a large erection. Saw it at about age 8; powerful impa ...
hermeticlibrary: RT @_Coyoli: The feast of blood. (vía @hrmtc) RT @_Coyoli: The feast of blood. (vía @hrmtc)
hermeticlibrary: @SConde3 To be fair, I did not start the site, but did take over a few years ago. You can read about the history: @SConde3 To be fair, I did not start the site, but did take over a few years ago. You can read about the history:
hermeticlibrary: @SConde3 Well, you know, it keeps me out of trouble. Or, at least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.hermeticlibrary: @SConde3 Well, you know, it keeps me out of trouble. Or, at least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
hermeticlibrary: RT @kimcascone: ***looking for lecturers local to San Francisco to speak on western esotericism in the arts - contact me if you have info?hermeticlibrary: RT @kimcascone: ***looking for lecturers local to San Francisco to speak on western esotericism in the arts - contact me if you have info?
hermeticlibrary: @SConde3 Funny enough, I do spend days on the site! But, indeed, glad the site is interesting and useful.hermeticlibrary: @SConde3 Funny enough, I do spend days on the site! But, indeed, glad the site is interesting and useful.
hermeticlibrary: RT @rogueclassicist: Blogosphere ~ Francis Bacon’s use of ancient myths in Novum Organum RT @rogueclassicist: Blogosphere ~ Francis Bacon’s use of ancient myths in Novum Organum
hermeticlibrary: @davidbmetcalfe That's the pull quote: "it was more personal pathology than rational science."hermeticlibrary: @davidbmetcalfe That's the pull quote: "it was more personal pathology than rational science."
hermeticlibrary: @davidbmetcalfe Makes me wonder what they think "empirical data" is if not from personal experience of experiment and observation?hermeticlibrary: @davidbmetcalfe Makes me wonder what they think "empirical data" is if not from personal experience of experiment and observation?
hermeticlibrary: @davidbmetcalfe UPG is still useful, but not shared or confirmed. Observation is pers. exp. but knowledge in science is only falsifiable.hermeticlibrary: @davidbmetcalfe UPG is still useful, but not shared or confirmed. Observation is pers. exp. but knowledge in science is only falsifiable.
hermeticlibrary: @davidbmetcalfe Reminds be of the, I think, useful and relevant discussions about unverified personal gnosis and shared or confirmed.hermeticlibrary: @davidbmetcalfe Reminds be of the, I think, useful and relevant discussions about unverified personal gnosis and shared or confirmed.
hermeticlibrary: RT @LilithsPriest: I'm not going to let the compulsive definers and schismatics win on redefining #Pagan. It's my word, too.hermeticlibrary: RT @LilithsPriest: I'm not going to let the compulsive definers and schismatics win on redefining #Pagan. It's my word, too.
hermeticlibrary: @SConde3 Oh, thanks for the kind words about the site. Glad to be of service!hermeticlibrary: @SConde3 Oh, thanks for the kind words about the site. Glad to be of service!
hermeticlibrary: RT @Vamppyrella: Photo: hermeticlibrary: “Is your magick working?” [via] RT @Vamppyrella: Photo: hermeticlibrary: “Is your magick working?” [via]
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