
hermeticlibrary: RT @openbuddha: Domain seems to be up. Blog installed. First post up. Haven't added old podcasts yet. http://t.co/DZ3ZK00E

Hermetic Library - Wed, 19/09/2012 - 06:43
hermeticlibrary: RT @openbuddha: Domain seems to be up. Blog installed. First post up. Haven't added old podcasts yet. http://t.co/DZ3ZK00E
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @openbuddha: My old podcast content is up at http://t.co/CKVvqVr8. I did all of two interviews with James Foster, my teacher, and T. ...

Hermetic Library - Wed, 19/09/2012 - 06:40
hermeticlibrary: RT @openbuddha: My old podcast content is up at http://t.co/CKVvqVr8. I did all of two interviews with James Foster, my teacher, and T. ...
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: @openbuddha Such a beautiful shelf of static electricity, in which I am able to indulge myself in flights of fancy ...

Hermetic Library - Wed, 19/09/2012 - 05:38
hermeticlibrary: @openbuddha Such a beautiful shelf of static electricity, in which I am able to indulge myself in flights of fancy ...
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: @openbuddha I'll be playing the part of Charlie Brown today, and act as if hope springs eternal.

Hermetic Library - Wed, 19/09/2012 - 05:36
hermeticlibrary: @openbuddha I'll be playing the part of Charlie Brown today, and act as if hope springs eternal.
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: @openbuddha Wow, that's harsh! Let them publish it first at least. But, it would be nice, wouldn't it?

Hermetic Library - Wed, 19/09/2012 - 03:53
hermeticlibrary: @openbuddha Wow, that's harsh! Let them publish it first at least. But, it would be nice, wouldn't it?
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @ebcsea: Dear Friends~ Thank you so much for your continued support of the Seattle Esoteric Book Conference. Year 4 was... http://t.c ...

Hermetic Library - Tue, 18/09/2012 - 21:34
hermeticlibrary: RT @ebcsea: Dear Friends~ Thank you so much for your continued support of the Seattle Esoteric Book Conference. Year 4 was... http://t.c ...
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path http://t.co/lcQEhaM2

Hermetic Library - Tue, 18/09/2012 - 19:02
hermeticlibrary: Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path http://t.co/lcQEhaM2
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @Zhoupheus: More information about issue 02 submissions: http://t.co/b7SdyXUs

Hermetic Library - Tue, 18/09/2012 - 14:43
hermeticlibrary: RT @Zhoupheus: More information about issue 02 submissions: http://t.co/b7SdyXUs
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: In Nomine Babalon, LXXX http://t.co/XZ0QMDJo

Hermetic Library - Mon, 17/09/2012 - 22:05
hermeticlibrary: In Nomine Babalon, LXXX http://t.co/XZ0QMDJo
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: Hello Baphomet Kitty http://t.co/n94GMPia

Hermetic Library - Mon, 17/09/2012 - 21:30
hermeticlibrary: Hello Baphomet Kitty http://t.co/n94GMPia
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: CLAVIS Editions will be releasing a bilingual edition of the Aldaraia: The Book Of Soyga. http://t.co/h7NrShHT

Hermetic Library - Mon, 17/09/2012 - 20:05
hermeticlibrary: CLAVIS Editions will be releasing a bilingual edition of the Aldaraia: The Book Of Soyga. http://t.co/h7NrShHT
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @Zhoupheus: Only two weeks left to purchase digitals of the journal ($4.00). Offer ends September 30 http://t.co/FW6C1Q73

Hermetic Library - Mon, 17/09/2012 - 15:20
hermeticlibrary: RT @Zhoupheus: Only two weeks left to purchase digitals of the journal ($4.00). Offer ends September 30 http://t.co/FW6C1Q73
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @LucienvonWolfe: The Hermetic Library Tumblr: Hermetic Library Anthology Album call for Fall 2012 submissions - hermeticlibrar… http: ...

Hermetic Library - Sun, 16/09/2012 - 23:50
hermeticlibrary: RT @LucienvonWolfe: The Hermetic Library Tumblr: Hermetic Library Anthology Album call for Fall 2012 submissions - hermeticlibrar… http: ...
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @Demon_Writer: The next issue of the Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition comes out a week from yesterday! #Apocalypse #JWMT

Hermetic Library - Sun, 16/09/2012 - 22:04
hermeticlibrary: RT @Demon_Writer: The next issue of the Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition comes out a week from yesterday! #Apocalypse #JWMT
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: Hipster Thelemite http://t.co/MMDDewOA

Hermetic Library - Sun, 16/09/2012 - 21:05
hermeticlibrary: Hipster Thelemite http://t.co/MMDDewOA
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @Frater_Puck: Aleister Crowley’s lost diary of his Portuguese trip http://t.co/kk8cgjzw

Hermetic Library - Sun, 16/09/2012 - 16:32
hermeticlibrary: RT @Frater_Puck: Aleister Crowley’s lost diary of his Portuguese trip http://t.co/kk8cgjzw
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @MarcelIoPan: The Hermetic Library Tumblr: Hermetic Library Anthology Album call for Fall 2012 submissions - hermeticlibrar… http://t ...

Hermetic Library - Sun, 16/09/2012 - 04:27
hermeticlibrary: RT @MarcelIoPan: The Hermetic Library Tumblr: Hermetic Library Anthology Album call for Fall 2012 submissions - hermeticlibrar… http://t ...
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: Untitled http://t.co/S7jiekVE

Hermetic Library - Sat, 15/09/2012 - 21:07
hermeticlibrary: Untitled http://t.co/S7jiekVE
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @watkinsbooks: Zos Kia Cultus http://t.co/rSNa9Dqd

Hermetic Library - Sat, 15/09/2012 - 19:03
hermeticlibrary: RT @watkinsbooks: Zos Kia Cultus http://t.co/rSNa9Dqd
Categories: Community, Tweets

hermeticlibrary: RT @Demon_Writer: RT @hermeticlibrary: Hermetic Library Anthology Album call for Fall 2012 submissions http://t.co/msM4B2xo

Hermetic Library - Sat, 15/09/2012 - 19:03
hermeticlibrary: RT @Demon_Writer: RT @hermeticlibrary: Hermetic Library Anthology Album call for Fall 2012 submissions http://t.co/msM4B2xo
Categories: Community, Tweets
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