
Deep Dip: Liber Samekh

Darkly Splendid Abodes - Sat, 03/02/2024 - 05:50

Aleister Crowley took an ancient Rite of Exorcism and repurposed it as an Invocation of one’s Holy Guardian Angel. The resulting small book, Liber Samekh, also contains elucidating commentary on the nature of the Knowledge and Conversation, and on Magical Practice in general.

Thelema Now! Guest: P.D. Newman

Thelema NOW! - Fri, 02/02/2024 - 00:08
In this ThelemaNOW episode, Harper and P.D. “Danny” Newman discuss his new book, Theurgy: Theory and Practice, published by Inner Traditions. This is a delightful conversation with a charming guest over a book that is already renowned! Chief topics of conversation were the extraction of the roots of Theurgy in the Shamanism of Thrace, the conversion of Hekate from underworld psychopomp to World Soul, and the known history of the Chaldean Oracles.    P. D. Newman has been immersed in the study and practice of alchemy, hermetism, and theurgy for more than two decades. A member of both the Masonic Fraternity and the Society of Rosicrucians, he lectures internationally and has published articles in many esoteric journals, including The Scottish Rite Journal, Knights Templar Magazine, and Ad Lucem. He is the author of Angels in Vermilion: The Philosophers’ Stone from Dee to DMT and Alchemically Stoned: The Psychedelic Secret of Freemasonry.

Women of the Occult: Patricia Crowther

Darkly Splendid Abodes - Sat, 20/01/2024 - 05:50

Patricia Crowther is hailed as one of the mothers of modern Witchcraft. Initiated by Gerald Gardner and taking the Craft Name of “Thelema,” she went on to be a key promoter of Wicca and defender of the practice of Witchcraft. We’ll learn more about this icon and prolific author, as Rosemary Stehlik and I resume our study of Women of the Occult.

Deep Dip: The Black Brotherhood (MWT cap.12)

Darkly Splendid Abodes - Sat, 06/01/2024 - 05:50

In the system of Thelema, the Black Brotherhood and the Left-Hand Path are technical terms with specific connotations. But it’s not uncommon for people to run fast and loose with these terms, flinging them as insults at others, or making assumptions about their meaning. We’ll dive into Chapter 12 from Crowley’s book Magick Without Tears to find clarification on the subject.

Thelema Now! Guests: Peter JENX and Frater Acher

Thelema NOW! - Sat, 25/11/2023 - 01:07

In this dramatic follow on to the Peter JENX on ThaiOccult 2 Harper leads a conversation between Frater Acher and Peter JENX on the topic of magical talismans. They not only consider the significance of human remains in talismans, but also a world view that knows how to regard every object as a talismanic manifestation.

The Music of Darkly Splendid Abodes || Compilation vol.1

Darkly Splendid Abodes - Mon, 13/11/2023 - 20:47

Music from Seasons 1, 2 & 3 of the Official Podcast of Toronto Thelema, Darkly Splendid Abodes. TorontoThelema.org

USGL annual report for fiscal year 2022 published

OTO US Grand Lodge - Sat, 11/11/2023 - 04:04

The U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. annual report for fiscal year 2022 has been published. This and all previous annual reports can be found here.

Grimoire of Aleister Crowley on Red Wheel / Weiser Books

abrahadabra.net - Mon, 05/08/2019 - 18:17

The reissued version of Rodney Orpheus’ book Grimoire of Aleister Crowley is now available worldwide from Red Wheel / Weiser Books. You can buy it from Amazon and all good bookstores!

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Thelema93-L - Sun, 12/05/2013 - 22:25
93s to what seem to be generally more advanced Thelemites than I. I was pleased to discover www.outer-college.org has the Student Oath and reading list with
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Tahuti Lodge, O.T.O., NYC, Calendar of Events for May 2013 e.v.

Thelema93-L - Tue, 07/05/2013 - 04:13
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Tahuti Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis, NYC MAY 2013 EV Calendar of Events + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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